Auction results for domain name

Ended at: 2019-09-18 15:15:00
Visitors to running auction: 333 (67 unique)
Sold for £725

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Bid AmountBidderBid Time
£725Buyer2 (autobid)18-09-2019 14:22:31
£675dougs (autobid)18-09-2019 14:22:31
£645Buyer218-09-2019 14:22:31
£595dougs18-09-2019 14:20:23
£545Buyer2 (autobid)18-09-2019 13:39:06
£525dougs (autobid)18-09-2019 13:39:06
£484Buyer218-09-2019 13:39:06
£464dougs (autobid)18-09-2019 13:37:54
£444Buyer2 (autobid)18-09-2019 13:37:54
£415dougs18-09-2019 13:37:54
£395Buyer2 (autobid)16-09-2019 13:59:45
£375dougs (autobid)16-09-2019 13:59:45
£295Buyer216-09-2019 13:59:45
£275dougs16-09-2019 13:32:54
£255Buyer2 (autobid)13-09-2019 12:48:18
£250Astimaria (autobid)13-09-2019 12:48:18
£120Buyer213-09-2019 12:48:18
£110Astimaria13-09-2019 05:57:57
£100Buyer112-09-2019 17:27:14

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