Auction results for domain name

Ended at: 2022-06-29 15:40:00
Human-like visits to the running auction: 615 (265 unique)
Reserve not met
Accepted payment methods:
Paypal | UK Bank Transfer | Escrow

Auction By: dedeej (competence level: 460)

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Bid AmountBidderBid Time
£250Buyer3 (autobid)29-06-2022 13:47:51
£230Buyer229-06-2022 13:47:51
£210Buyer3 (autobid)29-06-2022 13:42:40
£200Buyer229-06-2022 13:42:40
£110Buyer3 (autobid)26-06-2022 10:25:59
£100Buyer1 (autobid)26-06-2022 10:25:59
£97Buyer326-06-2022 10:25:59
£87Buyer1 (autobid)24-06-2022 09:56:52
£77Buyer224-06-2022 09:56:52
£50Buyer123-06-2022 10:11:12

Integrity hash: 4be3779a2be74fbf177efbec145756c4ad9716ff57e20614cee49af196548df5  #
Value string:,RESERVE:350,BIN:0,ivX8k3XSSZwdkJEl

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