Auction results for domain name

Ended at: 2023-07-09 18:35:00
Human-like visits to the running auction: 498 (215 unique)
Reserve not met
Accepted payment methods:
UK Bank Transfer | SEPA | SWIFT | Escrow

Auction By: JonDomExpert (competence level: 48)

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Bid AmountBidderBid Time
£96Buyer309-07-2023 17:44:15
£86Buyer1 (autobid)09-07-2023 16:55:04
£77Buyer209-07-2023 16:55:04
£50Buyer109-07-2023 11:00:48

Integrity hash: ea9b573fb12e48620c9937416a22de998a5bbda15d24cde7a3225d732ce7b6e5  #
Value string:,RESERVE:200,BIN:2500,vvAht6V7Mz7EHLlE

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