Auction results for domain name
🪝 freshly caught 10-year-old domain name, registered since 2014

Ended at: 2024-10-07 13:00:00
Human-like visits to the running auction: 543 (176 unique)
Reserve not met
Accepted payment methods:
UK Bank Transfer | SEPA | SWIFT | Escrow

Auction By: BrandFlu (competence level: 20)

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Bid AmountBidderBid Time
£50Buyer103-10-2024 12:00:10

Integrity hash: 9793899260864c191aa4659c11663f5bb5b3f61bbcaee751686bf82ac38d72c0  #
Value string:,RESERVE:280,BIN:0,pws9pE5RJxPGBQQw

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