Auction results for domain name
🪝 freshly caught 26-year-old domain name, registered since 1998

Ended at: 2024-12-10 15:30:00
Human-like visits to the running auction: 700 (271 unique)
Reserve not met
Accepted payment methods:
UK Bank Transfer | SEPA | SWIFT

Auction By: BrandFlu (competence level: 61)

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Bid AmountBidderBid Time
£1,000Buyer109-12-2024 23:18:32

Integrity hash: a94bc949ad5c047141bd4e920c407bf4c04c96797d5353b5ccd79ba802064341  #
Value string:,RESERVE:5000,BIN:0,ScrsRETwrifYvf4n

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