Auction results for domain name
🪝 freshly caught 27-year-old domain name, registered since 1998

Ended at: 2024-09-17 15:00:00
Human-like visits to the running auction: 864 (349 unique)
Reserve not met
Accepted payment methods:
UK Bank Transfer | SEPA | Escrow

Auction By: Hook (competence level: 104)

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Bid AmountBidderBid Time
£5,300Buyer416-09-2024 18:28:31
£5,100Buyer3 (autobid)16-09-2024 18:28:14
£5,000Buyer416-09-2024 18:28:14
£4,650Buyer3 (autobid)16-09-2024 18:28:10
£4,500Buyer416-09-2024 18:28:10
£4,150Buyer3 (autobid)11-09-2024 21:21:40
£4,000Buyer2 (autobid)11-09-2024 21:21:40
£3,800Buyer311-09-2024 21:21:40
£3,650Buyer2 (autobid)11-09-2024 21:21:31
£3,500Buyer311-09-2024 21:21:31
£2,510Buyer2 (autobid)11-09-2024 21:21:23
£2,500Buyer311-09-2024 21:21:23
£160Buyer2 (autobid)11-09-2024 21:21:07
£150Buyer311-09-2024 21:21:07
£110Buyer2 (autobid)11-09-2024 20:39:35
£100Buyer1 (autobid)11-09-2024 20:39:35
£60Buyer211-09-2024 20:39:35
£50Buyer111-09-2024 18:25:26

Integrity hash: a01441e19755517686f44d889863f67b9d34f1eaeef91f86e399edee1caff39f  #
Value string:,RESERVE:7000,BIN:0,WksthtU1rwV8hdj4

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